NOTE: If the toaster is used every day, the crumb tray should
be cleaned once a week.
1. Unplug toaster and let cool.
2. Slide open crumb tray, discard
crumbs, and wipe tray with clean
cloth. Replace crumb tray.
3. Wipe outside of toaster with a
damp cloth. Do not use abrasive
cleansers that may scratch the
surface of the toaster.
Crumb Tray
Tips and Troubleshooting
• Toasting is affected by the temperature of the bread.
Room-temperature bread may toast to a medium color
on the medium setting. The same type of bread that has
been refrigerated may require a darker setting to reach a
medium color.
• The moisture content will also affect toasting. Fresh bagels,
made locally, will have a higher moisture content than
bagels purchased in the bread section of the supermarket.
The bagel setting only energizes the inside heating elements.
A second, shorter toasting cycle may be needed to reach
desired browness. Fresh bagels made locally may require
two toasting cycles.
• Because of the irregular surface of English muffins, they
may require more than one toasting cycle. After toasting
for one cycle on the darkest setting, if a darker shade is
desired, adjust shade selector to a lighter setting and toast
for a second cycle. Watch closely to avoid overbrowning.
English muffins cut with a knife toast more evenly than
English muffins split with a fork.
• Many toasters have thermostats that must reset after
toasting one cycle. The electronic controls of this toaster
allow toasting batch after batch, with no waiting for the
thermostat to reset.
• Thick foods may become wedged in the toaster slot. If food
becomes jammed, the toaster will automatically shut off at
the end of the toasting cycle. Unplug the toaster and let
cool. Use a wooden utensil to remove food.
• When toasting only one slice, the bread may be placed
in any slot of the toaster. When toasting a single slice, you
may notice variations in bread color from side to side.