Model G0763 (Mfg. Since 8/13)
Review the troubleshooting and procedures in this section if a problem develops with your machine. If you
need replacement parts or additional help with a procedure, call our Technical Support at (570) 546-9663.
Note: Please gather the serial number and manufacture date of your machine before calling.
Symptom Possible Cause Possible Solution
Motor will not start. 1. Power supply switched OFF or has
incorrect voltage.
2. Blown fuse/tripped circuit breaker at main
3. Break or short in wiring; or loose
4. ON/OFF switch at fault.
5. Motor connection wired incorrectly.
6. Motor at fault.
1. Switch power supply ON or verify voltage.
2. Correct the cause of overload, then reset/replace
fuse or breaker.
3. Trace/replace broken or corroded wires; fix loose
4. Replace switch.
5. Wire motor correctly (Page 44).
6. Test for shorted windings, bad bearings, and repair
or replace.
Machine has
excessive vibration
or noise.
1. Motor fan rubbing on fan cover.
2. Motor is loose.
3. Grinding wheel out of balance.
4. Motor bearings worn or damaged.
1. Fix/replace fan cover; replace loose or damaged
2. Tighten any loose fasteners.
3. Inspect, ring test, balance, and dress grinding
4. Replace motor bearings or replace motor.
Machine stalls
or slows when
1. Motor is being overloaded.
2. Motor at fault.
1. Reduce depth of cut.
2. Test for shorted windings, bad bearings, and repair
or replace.
Handwheel binds or
is difficult to move.
1. Ways/ball bearing strips need lubrication.
2. Gears/rack and pinion are worn.
1. Relubricate ways/ball bearing strips (Page 36).
2. Replace gears/rack and pinion.
Vibration when
grinding, poor
surface finish,
or incorrect final
1. Grinding wheel is out-of-round, loaded up
with material, or damaged.
2. Missing or torn grinding wheel paper
3. Incorrect grinding wheel hardness or grit
4. Improperly installed magnetic chuck.
5. Workpiece is loose.
6. Loose machine component.
7. Ways/ball bearing strips need lubrication.
8. Grinding wheel has varying densities, or is
of poor quality.
9. Coolant is incorrect or incorrectly mixed.
10. Motor or motor bearings at fault.
1. Inspect, ring test, dress, and balance grinding
2. Remove and replace paper washers, then inspect,
ring test, balance, and dress grinding wheel.
3. Match wheel grade and grit rating with workpiece
4. Stone table and chuck surfaces, and remove all
burrs and foreign material from mating surfaces,
and reinstall the chuck.
5. Replace or repair chuck for poor holding power.
6. Inspect all machine connections, and tighten any
loose fasteners.
7. Relubricate ways/ball bearing strips (Page 36).
8. Replace grinding wheel with acceptable brand.
9. Refer to coolant manufacturer's workpiece verses
coolant type recommendations and correct coolant.
10. Replace motor or replace bearings.
Power feed unit will
not start.
1. Power feed unit fuse is blown. 1. Replace fuse.