332916C 31
Sprayer does not run at all Allow sprayer to cool. If sprayer
runs when cool, correct cause of
overheating. Keep sprayer in cooler
location with good ventilation. Make
sure motor air intake is not blocked.
If sprayer still does not run, follow
Step 1.
NOTE: Motor must be cooled down for the test.
1. Check thermal device connector (yellow wires)
at control board.
2. Disconnect thermal device connector from control
board socket. Make sure contacts are clean and
secure. Measure resistance of the thermal device. If
reading is not correct, replace motor.
Check Motor Thermal Switch: Unplug thermal
wires. Set meter to ohms. Meter should read the
proper resistance for each unit (see table below).
3. Reconnect thermal device connector to control
board socket. Connect power, turn sprayer ON and
control knob 1/2 turn clockwise. If sprayer does not
run, replace control board.
Display shows CODE 06
Control board status light blinks
6 times repeatedly
Sprayer does not run at all Check voltage supply to the sprayer
(incoming voltage too low for
sprayer operation)
1. Set sprayer to OFF and disconnect power to
2. Remove other equipment that uses the same circuit.
3. Locate a good voltage supply to avoid damage to
Display shows CODE 08
Control board status light blinks
eight times repeatedly
Sprayer does not run at all Check to see if control board is over
1. Make sure motor air intake is not blocked.
2. Make sure fan has not failed.
3. Make sure control board is properly connected
to back plate and that conductive thermal paste
is used on power components.
4. Replace control board.
5. Replace motor.
Display shows CODE 10
Control board status light blinks
10 times repeatedly
Resistance Table:
695/240V Mark IV 0 ohms
795/120V Mark IV 2k ohms
1095/240V Mark V 3.9k ohms
1595/120V Mark V/MARK VII 6.2k ohms
MARK X 10.0k ohms