The following
warnings are for the setup, use, grounding, maintenance and repair of this equipment. The
exclamation p
oint symbol alerts you to a general warning and the hazard symbol refers to procedure-specific
risks. When th
ese symbols appear in the body of this manual or on warning labels, refer backtothese
Warnings. Pr
oduct-specific hazard symbols and warnings not covered in this section may appear throughout
the body of th
is manual where applicable.
Flammable fumes, such as solvent and paint fumes, in work area can ignite or explode. To help
prevent fire, explosion, and electric shock:
• Electrostatic equipment must be used only by trained, qualified personnel who understand
the requirements of this manual.
• Ground all equipment, personnel, object being sprayed, and conductive objects in or close to
spray area. Resistance must not exceed 1 megohm. See Grounding instructions.
rounded Graco conductive air supply hoses.
• Do not use pail liners unless they are conductive and grounded.
• Stop operation immediately if static sparking occurs or you feel a shock. Do not use
equipment until you identify and correct the problem.
• Check gu
n resistance, hose resistance, and electrical grounding daily.
• Use and clean equipment only in well ventilated area.
• Interlock the gun air supply to prevent operation unless ventilating fansareon.
• Use cle
aning solvents with highest possible flash point when flushing or cleaning equipment.
• To clean the exterior of the equipment, cleaning solvents must have a flash point at least
5°C above ambient temperature.
• Always turn the electrostatics off when flushing, cleaning or servicing equipment.
• Elimi
nate all ignition sources; such as pilot lights, cigarettes, portable electric lamps, and
ic drop cloths (potential static arc).
• Do not plug or unplug power cords or turn lights on or off when flammable fumes are present.
• Keep spray area free of debris, including solvent, rags and gasoline.
a working fire extinguisher in the work area.