333309E 31
NOTE: Check all possible problems and causes before
disassembling the pump.
To avoid serious injury, always Relieve the pressure
before checking or servicing the equipment.
Problem Cause Solution
Pump does not cycle Air supply pressure not “on” Verify air supply is on and pressure set high
enough to cycle pump
Air supply pressure set too low
Mix manifold turned to off position Place manifold in mix position
Gun tip is plugged Make sure that the Fluid lines are clear and
open for mixed paint flow
Mix manifold or mixed material hose
Pump does not load material Suction hose is plugged Make sure suction hose and tube are clear
and free of caps or plugged strainers.
Pump is vapor locked Open a gun or drain valve to allow for air to
escape the system while filling with paint or
Paint viscosity is too high to siphon Make sure paint is thin enough to siphon to
the pump
Pump cycles erratically Air supply is too restricted The air supply hose should be a minimum of
3/8” id and a max of 50 ft in length.
Pump packing’s are dry Check TSL level in wet cups. Verify pump is
loading fully on up stroke
Pump cavitation
Fluid pressures are low Air supply is too restrictive Use a larger air hose
Pump friction is high Check TSL level in wet cup
Fluid filters plugging Clean fluid filters
Paint not mixed Static mixer is not clean Replace static mixer
Paint not at correct ratio Pump cavitation Suction tube and hose restricted
Suction hose and tube fittings are loose
allowing suction of air into pump
Ball check in pump is not checking Pump is contaminated with dried paint or
foreign materials
System speeds up or runs
Pump cavitation Suction tube and hose restricted
Pump checks are not checking con-
Suction hose and tube fittings are loose
allowing suction of air into pump
Pump is contaminated with dried paint or
foreign materials
A and B fluid pressures not
Very different viscosities Can be OK. Should not exceed 10% differ-
ential with unit mounted mix manifold.
Remote mounted mix manifold A and B
pressures may have a greater differential,
but greater than 20% can cause ratio errors.
Mix manifold check valves and ports
restricted by cured paint
Clean and repair mix manifold