Prime Valve Handle
20 3A0246C
Prime Valve Handle
1. Perform Pressure Relief Procedure, see page 4.
Wait 5 minutes before servicing.
2. Use 3/32 in. punch and hammer to tap out handle
pin (72c) (pliers may be required to pull out handle
pin). Pull off handle (72a) and base (72b).
3. Use crescent wrench to unscrew prime valve (71).
NOTE: Make sure that the seat and gasket are
removed from the manifold.
4. Clear out any material that is lodged in valve (71) or
manifold (70).
1. Tighten prime valve (71) into manifold (70). Use
thread sealant on housing threads and torque to
190 to 210 in-lb.
2. Install prime valve base (72b). Pin in base must
align with hole in manifold (70).
3. Orient hole in prime valve stem (71) vertically.
4. Place prime valve handle (72a) over prime valve
base (72b) with handle in “apply” mode. Align hole
in handle (72a) w/hole in prime valve stem (71).
5. Use hammer to tap prime valve handle pin (72c)
back into place.