309662 9
T roubleshooting (Continued)
Displacement pump output
Siphon hose strainer is clogged Clean strainer
ow on
Piston packings worn or damaged Replace packi ngs. See page 12.
Mate rial leaks into wet-cup
Intake valve ball (216) not seating
Clean and service intake valve. See
page 12.
Clutch (9) worn or damaged Replace clutch. See page 18.
Air leak at pump foot valve or
siphon tube elbow
Be sure foot valve is tight each day.
Be sure seal in elbow is in place and is
not worn or damaged.
Mate rial leaks into wet-cup
Loose wet-cup (202) Tighten wet-cup enough to stop leakage
Throat packings worn or damaged Replace packi ngs. See page 12.
Displacement rod (201) worn or
Replace displacement rod. See page 12.
Intermittent material flow out
of gun
Mate rial supply is low or empty Refill and prime pump. See Startup proce-
dure in operator manual. Check material
supply often to prevent running pump dry .
Air control on gun is set too high. Reduce the air flow through the gun by
turn ing the air control knob on the back of
the gun.
Hose too long or ma terial too
Change to a shorter hose or less coarse
Heavy or poorly atom ized mate-
rial when gun is first triggered
(lack of soft start )
Fluid pre ssure was not allowed to
fully self relieve after releasing gun
W ait longer between releasing gun trigger
and re--triggering.
Gun was not fully triggered immedi-
ately when squeezed, causing gun
air passages to clog with material.
Always squeeze trigger fully to prevent
just air from turning on, which starts pump
and pressu rizes hoses. Disassemble and
clean gun.
Air valve failure Check and replace as needed
Air flow sensor dirty or damaged Check air filter.
Clean air flow sensor (see page 4) or re-
place as needed.
Pump does not shut off after
gun trigger is released
Air leaks in the system after the air
flow sensor
Check and tighten all connections be-
tween the air flow sensor and the gun.
Air leaks in gun Check gun for excessive air leaks and re-
See manual 309661
Air flow sensor dirty or damaged Check air filter.
Clean air flow sensor (see page 4) or re-
place as needed.
Premature prime va lve fail-
Pump does not shut off after gun
trigger is released.
Read “Pump does not shut off after gun
trigger is released” and fix appropriate
Repair or replace Prime Valve.
See page 19.