
12 Automatic Standby Generator Owner’s Manual
3.4.1— Clearing an Alarm/Warning Condition
To clear an alarm or warning condition from the Control Panel, press the OFF button. Press OFF button again. The flashing or solid indicator LED
will turn off.
NOTE: Clearing a code will not correct the problem. It will simply turn off the LED indicating that told you that a problem occurred. The
problem indicated must be diagnosed and corrected to prevent a re-occurring alarm condition.
NOTE: Removing or failure of the 7.5 Amp ATO
® fuse will turn off all the panel LEDs. Replacement of the fuse will initiate the LED self
3.5 — Automatic Operation
To select automatic operation:
1. Make sure the transfer switch main contacts are set to their UTILITY position (loads connected to the utility power source).
2. Be sure that normal UTILITY power source voltage is available to transfer switch terminal lugs N1 and N2.
3. Press the AUTO button on the Control Panel Interface.
4. Set the Main Circuit Breaker (Generator Disconnect) to its ON (Closed) position.
With these steps complete, the generator will start automatically when utility source voltage drops below a preset level. After the unit starts, loads
are transferred to the standby power source.
3.5.1— Automatic Sequence of Operation — Utility Failure
With the generator set to AUTO, when the utility fails (below 65% of nominal) a 5 second line interrupt delay time is started. If the utility is still
gone when the timer expires, the engine will crank and start. Once started, a 6 second engine warm-up timer will be initiated. When the warm-up
time expires, the Control Panel will transfer the load to the generator. If the utility power is restored (above 80% nominal) at any time from the ini-
tiation of the engine start until the generator is ready to accept load (6 second warm-up time has not elapsed), the Control Panel will complete the
start cycle and run the generator through its normal cool down cycle, however, the load will remain on the utility source. — Cranking
Most times the generator will start on the first crank cycle, but it is normal for it to cycle multiple times in order to start. The following is the crank-
ing sequence:
LED Condition Action 2nd Action 3rd Action
Clear Alarm / Warning or Maintenance LED Alarm(s) press OFF press OFF again -----
Clear Maintenance LED when Alarm or Warning LED
is also present
press OFF press OFF again press OFF 3rd time
16 second engine cranking *
7 second pause
16 second engine cranking
7 second pause
7 second engine cranking
3 second pause
7 second engine cranking
3 second pause
7 second engine cranking
If the unit does not start during the crank sequence, the control panel Overcrank Alarm LED will light.
NOTE: The initial 16 second crank attempt may be repeated once if a proper crank was not detected. This may result in up to 6
crank attempts total. *