Design Guide
Framed Or Overlay Panels, Custom Handles and Accessory Kits
Models Available
Stainless Steel Wrapped Models:
ZICS360N RH (right-handed door)
ZICS360N I,H (leli-handed door)
Trimmed models:
ZIC360N RH (right-handed door)
ZIC360N I,H (lett-handed door)
Overlay panels
You may also choose to install custom overlay panels
fl'om your cabinet manufacturer. This design provides
a seamless appearance which integrates smoothly with
surrounding cabinetr>
Stainless Steel Wrapped Refrigerators
Stainless Steel wrapped refrigerators have wrapped
doors and grille panel, beveled edges, and tubular
stainless steel handles that coordinate with other
Monogram appliances. These models are shii)ped
readv for installation.
Trimmed Refrigerators
Trimmed refrigerators are designed to be customized
with decorative panels. Field installed custom door
and grille panels are required.
Overlay Panel
Standard pacer Panel
Door Handle I/4" Thick Backer Panel
Standard supplied handles shown in 3/4" overlay panel position.
Framed panels
You may install 1/4" thick custom panels from your
cabinet manufacturer. The decorative panel slides
into the thctorv installed trim. Or, order black,
white and stainless steel accessory panels ti'om w)ur
Monogram dealer.
Door and Drawer Handles
The standard supplied handles can be a(!iusted to
accommodate both fl'amed or overlay panels. Custom
handles of your choice, supplied by your cabinet maker
can also be installed on overlay panels. If desired, you
may order ZKHCSS2 Monogram stainless steel tubular
handle kit tot 3/4" overlay panels.
Side Panels
Side panels must be used whenever the sides ol the
refl'igerator will be exposed.
StandardDoorHandle FramedPanel
Standard supplied handles shown in 1/4"panel position.
Optional Accessory Kits
• ZKHCSS2: Monogram Tubular Stainless Steel handles
designed to fit 3/4" overlay panels. This kit also
includes a handle side trim fi)r custom handles.
• ZUG2: For side-bwside installation of two trimmed
bottom-freezer refrigerators. This kit provides tot the
installation of a unified custom grille panel to span the
width of two units using a framed or oveday panel.
• ZUGSS2: For side-by-side installation of two stainless
steel wrapped bottom-ti'eezer refl'igerators. This kit
provides a unified stainless steel grille panel to span
the width of two units.
Accessory Panels
White, black and stainless steel accessory panels are
available fl'om your Monogram dealer. Panels are cut
to size and readv to install.
ZPBC360-Black, ZPWC360-X4'hite,
ZPSC360-Sminless Steel Panels