About washer features.
The Agitator Cap or Fabric Softener Dispenser (depending on model)
Theagitator cap fits into the top ofthe
agitatoE If it accidentallg comes off,
simplg put it back on,
Thefabric softener dispenser automaticallg
releasesliquid fabric softener at the proper
time during the cgcle.
Do not stop the washer during the first spin.
This will cause the dispenser to empty
tOO soon.
E_] Add water to dispenser until it reaches
the maximum fill line.
To use, follow these steps:
r]-i Make sure dispenser is securelg attached
to agitatoE
[_] Useonlg liquid fabric softener
Pour into dispenser,using amount
recommended on package.
Never pour fabric softener directly on
clothes. It mag stain them.
Do not pour ongthing into the
agitator if the agitator cop or
dispenser is removed.
Separate for cleaning
Cleaning the Fabric Softener Dispenser (onsomemodels)
_-] Removethe dispenserfrom the top ofthe agitator,
I_] Separate the dispensercup from the cover bg grasping the top and pushing down on the
insideof the cup with gour fingers.Dispensercup will pop free from the cover,
[_]To cleanthe dispenser,soak both the dispenser cup and the dispenser cover in the
following solution:
• ffUSgallon (3.8liters)warm water
• 1/4 cup (60ml)heovy-dutblliquid detergent
• 1 cup (240ml)bleach
If necessarg,loosenbuildup with a clean, soft cloth after soaking. Do not usea stiff brush;
gou mag roughen the surface of the dispenser
[] Rinseand reassemble dispenser,Placedispenser back on the agitator,
Liquid Bleach Funnel
Thewater fill dilutes liquid chlorine bleach asthe washer fills for the wash cgcle.
_-] Checkclothing care labelsfor special instructions.
_] Heasure liquid bleach carefullg,following instructions on the bottle.
• Neverpour undiluted liquid chlorinebleachdirectlblonto clothes or into the wash basket.
• Donot pour powdered bleach into bleach funnel.
[_] Before starting the washer,pour measured amount of bleachdirectlg into bleach funnel.
Avoidsplashing or over-filling dispenser,If gou prefer to usepowdered bleach, add it into
the wash basketwith gour detergent.
• Donot mix chlorine bleachwith ammonia or acids such asvinegar and/or rust remover,
Mixing con produce a toxicgas which ma_lcausedeath.