0150-0229D 38 Kalatel DVMRe StoreSafe
Global Alarm Record Rate
% Time:
60 pps
40 days 20 h (Alarm)
15 days 11 h (Total)
Estimate of the % of time the
unit will typically spend in
alarm mode. For example
if you expect to have about 5
total periods of alarms each day,
each lasting 3 minutes on average,
then the % of the time will be 1%.
(15 min/24 hours)
1. Rotate the Jog to navigate, and the Shuttle to change the values.
2. To save changes and exit the menu: Select [OK], and then press the Enter button.
3. To exit the menu without making changes: Press the Menu button, or select [CANCEL], then
press the Enter button.
q Main Menu → Record → Alarm/Event Actions
Use this menu to specify how the unit will record during Alarm and Event actions.
Alarm/Event Actions
Pre Event Duration
Post Event Duration
Pre Alarm Duration
Alarm Record Mode
ACTIVITY Link to Event
Pre Event Duration: The unit will record up to 5 seconds of data ahead of the event trigger, at the
Event Record Rate. Select from 0 to 5 seconds. This option is not available on the standard model.
Post Event Duration: The unit will record up to 250 seconds after the completion of the Event, at the
Event Record Rate. Select from 0 to 250 seconds.
Pre Alarm Duration: The unit will record up to 5 seconds of data ahead of the alarm trigger, at the
Alarm Record Rate. Select from 0 to 5 seconds.
Alarm Record Mode: Select from Interleaved or Exclusive.
ACTIVITY Link to Event: Select from Yes or No.