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• Installing the Software CIMPLICITY PMCS Read-This-Book-First
30 Day Trial
You have the option to Trial PMCS for 30 days through the 30-Day Trial
selection on this screen. All functionality of PMCS is available to trial users
and all configurations made for the software will be maintained from one
use to the next. A single trial is registered to each PC and may not be
uninstalled and re-installed for another trial.
Licensing via the Web
Choose the Web License option if you have a working internet connection
on your PMCS computer. This option will automatically connect you to
General Electric Industrial Systems’ eLicense distribution system. Once
connected, an automated process will retrieve your unique PMCS eLicense
Selecting the Web License option from the License Option brings you to
the Web License Screen. This screen requires you to enter your eLicense
Order ID. This information is contained on the Order Confirmation Sheet
that accompanied your PMCS software or it can be obtained from your
Purchase Confirmation e-mail Enter the Order ID and click on Get License
to initiate the Web connection to General Electric Industrial Systems’
eLicense distribution system.