SmartCommand Thermostat
Installation Manual
Messages screen
The Messages screen (Figure 4) allows you to retrieve text messages sent from the serial network to the
thermostat. The Messages screen features navigation buttons to read new and old messages and delete
You can store up to 16 messages. If more than 16 messages are received, the oldest is erased to make room for
the newest message.
Note: New messages will turn on and flash the red message LED and mail icon in the main Thermostat control screen.
Viewing messages makes them old and turns off the indicators. If you view some, but not all new messages, the
new message notification LED and icon will stay on. When you first select the Messages screen, the most
recently received message will be displayed as Message 1. If other messages are stored in memory, you can
recall and view or delete them by using the Messages screen navigation buttons.
Figure 4. Messages screen
Screen navigation buttons include:
Done. Return to main Main menu screen on page 7.
Del. Delete the message being displayed.
Prev. Display previous messages. Scroll up in the message stack.
Next. Display the next message. Scroll down in the message stack.
Message 1 10/14 5:35 PM
The TR40 can receive 16 text
messages, each up to 80 characters
long. They are date/time stamped
Done Delete