8 GPSMAP 700 Series Installation Instructions
Physical Specications
Specication Measurement
Size W × H × D: 8
× 5
× 3
in. (226 × 142 × 80 mm)
Weight 2.48 lb. (1.125 kg)
Display W × H: 6 × 3
in. (152 × 91 mm)
Case Fully Gasketed, high-impact plastic and aluminum alloy, waterproof to IEC 60529 IPX-7
Temp. Range From 5°F to 131°F (from -15°C to 55°C)
Compass Safe
32 in. (813 mm)
GPS Performance
Specication Parameter Measurement
Receiver High-sensitivity 12 parallel channel, WAAS-capable receiver
Warm Approximately 1 sec. (The device is at or near the last location at which you recently acquired satellites.)
Cold Approximately 38 sec. (The device has moved more than about 500 mi. [800 km] since it was turned off.)
Reacquisition < 1 sec.
Update Rate 1/sec., continuous
Accuracy GPS <33 ft. (10 m) 95% typical
DGPS 10–16 ft. (3–5 m) 95% typical (WAAS/EGNOS accuracy)
Velocity 0.05 m/sec. steady state
Specication Measurement
Source 10–32 Vdc
Usage 8.56 W max. at 13.8 Vdc
Fuse 3 A
NMEA 2000 Load Equivalency Number (LEN)
NMEA 2000 Draw 100 mA maximum
Power 1 kW Transducer, 1,000 W (RMS), 8,000 W (peak to peak); Dual Frequency, 500 W (RMS), 4,000 W (peak to peak); Dual Beam, 400 W
(RMS), 3,200 W (peak to peak)
Frequency 50/200 kHz (dual frequency and 1 kW), 80/200 kHz (dual beam)
Depth 2,500 ft. (762 m) (1 kW), 1,500 ft (457 m) (dual frequency), 900 ft (274 m) (dual beam) - Depth capacity is dependent on water salinity, bottom
type, and other water conditions.
NMEA 2000 PGN Information
Receive Transmit
059392 ISO Acknowledgment 059392 ISO Acknowledgment
059904 ISO Request 059904 ISO Request
060928 ISO Address Claim 060928 ISO Address Claim
126208 NMEA - Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function 126208 NMEA - Command/Request/Acknowledge Group Function
126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function 126464 Transmit/Receive PGN List Group Function
126996 Product Information 126996 Product Information
127245 Rudder 127250 Vessel Heading
127250 Vessel Heading 127258 Magnetic Variance
127488 Engine Parameters - Rapid Update 128259 Speed - Water Referenced
127489 Engine Parameters - Dynamic 128267 Water Depth
127493 Transmission Parameters - Dynamic 129025 Position, Rapid Update
127498 Engine Parameters - Static 129026 COG/SOG Rapid Update
127505 Fluid Level 129029 GNSS - Position Data