PLAYERS: 2 to 5
AGES: 3 and up
CONTENTS: Spinner and Tied in Knots Mat
OBJECT: Players place only their hands and feet on the mat. Players try not to touch the mat
with other parts of their body, and try to keep from falling over no matter how tied up they
get! The last player standing wins the game.
SET UP: Spread out the game mat in an open area (indoors or outdoors). Make sure you have
plenty of room to play. In a two player game, the players take turns as referee, spinning the
spinner for their opponent and calling out of the hand or foot position. If there are more than
two players, select a player (preferably the oldest) to act as a referee. (In the next game, let
some one else be the referee, and continue taking turns).
PLAY: Players stand around the mat. The youngest player goes first. The referee spins the
spinner for the youngest player's turn. When the spinner stops, this is the player's "position."
The referee calls out the color of the hand or foot where the pointed end of the spinner stops.
For instance, the referee may call out "Orange Hand." The player then must put one of their
hands on any orange hand on the mat. The referee now spins the spinner for the player to the
left of the youngest player and calls out this players position. Game play continues in this order.
Players must keep their hands and feet in the positions called out by the referee, until they are
given a new position. For example, a player who spins "Orange Hand" on their first turn, and
"Pink Hand" on their second turn must keep their first hand on the original orange position on
the mat and place their other hand on a Pink Hand on the mat. If the player's next spin is a
"Green Hand", they may chose which hand (either the hand that was on pink or the hand on
orange) to move to the green hand position on the mat.
Only hands and feet may touch the mat. If any other part of a player's body touches the mat
(no knees or elbows!), then the player is out of the game. The referee must call out when
players are out. Only one player is allowed to occupy each position on the mat, so a player may
need to stretch to reach an available space. But don't fall! If there is no free space on the mat,
the player must put their hand or foot outside the mat, until their next spin. Players may lift up
their hands or feet for a moment to allow another player to pass into their position.
The last player standing is the winner!
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ITEM NO. 2428