
Winning: Hip Hopscotch is not about winning – it’s about
jumping around and having hip-hoppin’ fun! Everybody wins!
gAme iDeAs:
• On-O-On-O
Choose any layout you like. As you go, hop on one Pad as usual,
then land with both feet straddling the Pad before you hop to
the next Pad, and so-on. It’s harder than you think!
• BlindScotch
Place all the Pads touching each other in a square formation.
Place the Double Hop Pad in the center. Everybody take a good
look at where the Pads are in relation to the Double Hop Pad.
Now blindfold one player, spin him or her around three times,
and stand them on the double Hop Pad. Give commands to the
blindfolded player where to hop to land on each numbered Pad,
in order.