Soft Freeze
Zone (some
upright models)
Soft Freeze Zone
is specically
designed to
maintain a higher
temperature than the rest of the freezer to store
products such as ice cream.
Door Bins
(some upright
Adjustable door
bins are located
inside on the
freezer door and
provide exible
storage space.
The number of bins provided varies by model.
Pizza Shelf
(some upright
Here is the place
to store up to
four extra-large
boxes of frozen
pizza without ever
having to dig them
out from beneath a pile of other stored goods.
The pizza shelf can be retracted to provide space
for larger items on the shelf below and still store
up to 2 pizzas.
This basket
keeps things
organized and
slides out for
easy access.
Basket (some
chest models)
This basket helps
organize odd-shaped
items. To reach
other packages in
the freezer, slide
the basket aside or
lift out.
Fast Freezing Shelves (manual defrost
upright models)
These shelves contain cooling coils to freeze
foods quickly and allow cold air to constantly
circulate throughout the freezer. Do not use sharp
metal objects such as ice picks or scrapers to
clean the shelves. This could damage the shelves
and reduce their cooling ability. These shelves are
not adjustable.
Tilt-Out Shelf
(some upright
This shelf is located
inside on the freezer
door and provides
additional storage
space. To access an
item, tilt top of “basket” shelf down.
Use these
handy dividers
to keep the
various items
stored in your
baskets more organized. To change the location
of the divider simply slide your basket out,
grab the divider from the center and rotate in a
counterclockwise direction until it is desengaged.
To assemble, simply align as shown in the gure
below and rotate in a clockwise direction until it
spans into place.