Using the Calculator
1.Tap or select it on the BASIC PRO-
GRAMS menu.
2.Type a number.
You can type up to 10 digits.
3.Tap +, —, x, or ÷ to add, subtract, multi-
ply, or divide, respectively.
4.Type another number.
5.Tap = to do the calculation.
Or tap % to calculate the percentage.
6.Tap CE to clear the calculator.
To recall the previous steps, turn the dial
up or use .
You can store a number in memory, recall it
or clear the memory at any time. To add the
number on the screen to the number stored
in memory, tap
M+. To subtract the number
on the screen from the number stored in
memory, tap M—. To retrieve the number
from memory, tap MR. To clear the memory,
tap MC.