
Annotations displays your list of
bookmarks, annotations, highlights and
modi cations. For more information,
please see “Viewing the Annotations
List”, on page 25. For more information
on Annotations, Highlights and
Modi cations please see page 23.
Paste pastes any information copied to
the clipboard at your current location.
Note: This menu item is displayed only
when you have previously highlighted
text and selected Copy from the pop-
up menu.
Find opens a search input box. Type a
word and then press
to search
for that word in the current eBook. Press
to cancel the search at any
Note: This menu item is displayed only
within the text of an eBook.
Settings goes to the Settings List. For
information on the Settings List, please
see page 15.
Using the Menus
Go to Menu
Go to  rst page goes to the  rst page of
the current book.
Buscar/Suchen goes to the word search
screen for the current book.
Apéndice/Anhänge displays a list of
supplemental information for the
Langenscheidt Spanish-German and
German-Spanish dictionaries. This
information includes the Imprint and
Foreword and other topics ranging
from tips for using the dictionary to
information about the organization of
dictionary entries.
Note: This information is in German
only. For more information, please see
“Viewing Supplemental Information” on
page 27.
Inicio/Überblick goes to the main menu
of the respective grammar guide.
Temas/Themen goes to the list of topics
in the Spanische Grammatik/Guía de
gramática de la lengua española (Guide
to Spanish Grammar).
Copyright/Pie de Imprenta/Impressum
displays copyright information for the
current book.
Using the Menus
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