Gender Tutor
Gender Tutor asks you to guess
the gender of German nouns. M
for masculine is automatically
highlighted. Press or to highlight
F for feminine, M for masculine or
N for neuter and then press ENTER
to select your answer. To look up
the word, press . Press
to return to the game. To try a new
word, press .
Hangman selects a mystery word
and challenges you to guess it letter
by letter. The letters of the mystery
word are hidden by question marks.
The number of guesses remaining is
indicated by #s and is also displayed
at the bottom of the screen. Type
letters that you think are in the
mystery word. If you are correct,
the letter appears in place of the
corresponding question mark(s).
Press to ll in a letter. To
look up the word, press .
Press to return to the game. To
try a new word, press .
In Letris, try to form words from the
letters that fall down the screen.
The moment letters are put together
to form a valid word, those letters
disappear and the remaining letters
shift and fall into the opening created
by the disappearing letters. Words
can be formed both horizontally
and vertically. You earn points for
each word you make. The longer the
word, the better your score. As you
advance rounds, the letters fall more
rapidly. If the pile of letters reaches
the top of the screen, the game is
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