Searching for Phrases
Searching for Phrases
You can search for phrases—adjacent
or nearly adjacent words in a particular
order—by selecting an ordered search
and a narrow search width.
An ordered search finds words only in
the order that you enter them. For ex-
ample, an ordered search for
will not find
spirit holy
The search width determines how far
apart your search words can be in the
Bible and still be a match.
1. Press
2. Highlight Ordered Search on
the Search menu.
3. Press
to select it.
4. Press
5. Highlight Set Search Width
on the Search menu.
A check marks your previous selection.
6. Press
to select it.
Understanding Search Widths
This is how far apart your search
words can be in verses when you a
select a certain search width:
Search Width Distance Apart
Close Together
nearly adjacent
Not as Close
a few words
Far Apart
many words
Very Far Apart
up to a few verses
7. Press
to select Close
8. Type a phrase and then press
to search for it. For
example, enter Holy Spirit.
9. Hold
and press
edly to view the next
Or press
see the books with matches.
10. Press
when done.