
Toggles between writing words in cursive
script and manuscript printing.
Goes to the calculator and Math Tutor.
Shows the Games menu which includes
the Language Tutor.
Lets you use your word list, change settings,
enter your name or view a demonstration.
Shows help messages.
Turns the dictionary on or off.
Types a ? to stand for a missing letter in a
word, or shows Confusables
. With SHIFT,
types a
to stand for zero, one or more
letters in a word.
Shifts the keys to type capital letters.
Erases a letter, backs up to the previous
screen, or turns off the highlight in definitions.
Enters words, starts the highlight in
definitions, or selects items.
Clears the most recently entered word.
Moves up, or makes the screen darker at
the Enter a word screen.
Moves down, or makes the screen lighter
at the Enter a word screen.
Moves the cursor or text to the left.
Moves right, or types a space.
Key Guide