
CDU680 Quick Installation Guide Windows Mac Linux Ver-UAC01
Setup for Linux-Ubuntu Users
Scripts for Ubuntu Linux distribution are provided. You may
need to develop your own scripts for other distributions.
1. Insert the CDU-680 USB Modem+Disk
into an USB slot on your PC. The device
will be shown as a removable storage on your computer.
2. The script files are located under the “Linux” directory. Copy the whole
directory to your desktop.
3. Do the following steps:
a. Open terminal
b. Run “cd Desktop/Linux"
c. Run "sudo ./connect"
d. Enter root password (Admin Password)
4. Device will switch to modem mode and attempt to connect.
5. To disconnect, press Ctrl-C twice.
User Name and Password configuration information;
FOR SIP only (QCMIP=0) Carriers
SIP carrier case, you may need to modify following part at “execute.sh” file.
Please replace Username and Password with your Service providers (SIP User ID and
"Phone = #777\nUsername = <MDN>@acsalska.net\nPassword = <MDN>" >>
SIP Username and Password information:
ACS Alaska :
1x and EVDO
Login: <MDN>@acsalaska.net, Example:1234567890@acsalaska.net
Password: MDN (MDN is 10 digits Modem Phone Number)