Finding Conjugations
Conjugations show inflections or changes in a word’s gender, tense, and so forth. This dictionary
includes extensive inflections of nouns, verbs, modifiers, and other words. Follow this example.
1.Press CONJ.
2.Type a word to conjugate.
3.Press CONJ to view the inflections.
If needed, use or to highlight the part of speech or translation you want and press
4.Press ESPACE or to scroll.
5.Press CONJ repeatedly to view more inflections.
6.Press EFF when done.
➤ From a Dictionary Entry
Some words have different parts of speech or multiple translations. You can easily find which part of
speech or specific translation you will need to conjugate by first looking up the word and then
pressing CONJ. Follow this example.
1.Press DICT.
Press LANG, if necessary, to select French.
2.Type a word. For example type écrire.
3.Press ENTRER to look it up.
4. Press CONJ to conjugate the headword, écrire.
5.Highlight the part of speech you want (for example, verb) and press ENTRER.
If necessary, highlight the translation you want and press ENTRER.
6.Press ESPACE or to scroll.
7.Press EFF when done.