1.1 Charging the Battery
Battery Precautions
• Ifthedeviceisnotusedforalongperiodoftime,thebatterymay
lose its charge. Please recharge the battery following the steps
described above in order to use your device.
• Rechargeablebatteriesareonlytobechargedunderadult
• Useonlythesuppliedchargerstorechargethebattery.Improperly
charging a battery may damage it or the device.
• Donotuseanunauthorizedbattery.Useonlytherechargeable
battery that came with your product or that is listed in the user’s
• Openthedeviceonlytoinsertorchangethebattery.Allother
changes to this device are strictly prohibited and will invalidate the
• Donotattempttoopentherechargeablebatteryorbatterypack.
There are no user serviceable parts inside.
• Toavoiddamagecausedbyleakageofthebatteryuid,replacethe
battery or batteries once every two years regardless of how much
the device has been used during that time.
• Shouldabatteryleak,thedevicemaybecomedamaged.Cleanthe
battery compartment immediately, avoiding contact with your skin.
• Keepbatteriesoutofreachofsmallchildren.Ifswallowed,consulta
physician immediately.
• Leavingthebatteryinhotorcoldplaces,suchasinaclosedcarin
summer or winter conditions, will reduce the capacity and lifetime of
the battery. Always try to keep the battery between 15°C and 25°C
(59°F and 77°F). A device with a hot or cold battery may not work
temporarily, even when the battery is fully charged.
• Donotdisposeofbatteriesinareastheymayexplode.Batteries
may also explode if damaged. Dispose of batteries according to local
regulations. Do not dispose as household waste.