ቧ LO PASS (low pass): the LO PASS potentiometer means that you can set the low pass filter frequency.
The value selected is the frequency below which the signal will be amplified.
NOTE: the LO PASS potentiometer on the FP 4.75 model amplifier relates to channels 1, 2, 3 and 4.
The LO PASS switch located at the top of the control panel relates to channels 1 and 2; whereas the one at
the bottom corresponds to channels 3 and 4.
NOTE: the LO PASS feature on the FP 5.500 model amplifier may ONLY be activated using the SUB ouput.
This filter should only be used if the amplifier is connected to a subwoofer, but UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES
WHATSOVER IF IT IS CONNECTED TO A FULL RANGE KIT. In that case it will enable you to set the
frequency up to which the subwoofer will re-transcribe the audio signal.
Example : X-OVER in LPF position, LO PASS set at 80Hz: the subwoofer connected to the amplifier will re-
transcribe the signal amplified, up to 80Hz.
ቨ Status indicator: Status indicator: the indicator lets you know whether or not the amplifier is working
properly. If the LED (light-emitting diode) indicator is green, your amplifier is switched on and operating
normally. If the LED display light is red, your amplifier is being protected following some kind of malfunction
– i.e. overheating, defective cabling, etc.
ቩ FUSE: the FUSE connector is where the amplifier fuse(s) are positioned. When replacing fuses, ensure that
the new fuse has exactly the same rating as the old one.
NOTE: the FP 5.500 amplifier has internal fuses. If your fuses need to be replace, please bring your
amplifier back to your Focal dealer.
ቪ +BATT: the +BATT power connector is used for the power supply cable which connects the amplifier to the
battery’s positive (+) terminal.
ቫ REM: the REM connector links the amplifier with the source (car radio) via a REM or REMOTE car radio
output. This enables the automatic turn-on of the amplifier when powering on the source (car radio).
ቭ GND: the GND (ground) power connector receives the negative (-) cable ensuring the link between the
amplifier and the vehicle’s chassis.
ቮ SPEAKERS: the SPEAKERS’ connectors link the amplifier and the loudspeakers’ crossovers (or the
loudspeakers in case of integral crossovers). It is IMPERATIVE to respect the polarities (+ amplifier ‡ +
crossover or + speaker / - amplifier ‡ - crossover or - speaker).
NOTE: the SPEAKER output of the FP 1.800 amplifier is ONLY for the connection of one or several
NOTE: When using two FP 1.800 connected together (the first amplifier is locked in Master position, while
the second one is locked in Slave position), you must connect the negative speaker terminal of the Master
amplifier to the negative speaker terminal of the Slave amplifier (Fig. 12. A and/or Fig. 12. B).
NOTE: When connecting a sub (or more than one sub in serial or in parallel) on two FP 1.800, you must
connect the positive terminal of the subwoofer to the positive terminal of the Master amplifier and connect the
negative terminal of the subwoofer to the positive terminal of the Slave amplifier (Fig. 12. A and/or Fig. 12. B
NOTE: the SPEAKERS outputs of the FP 5.500 amplifier are ONLY for connecting coaxial, 2-way or 3-way kits.
DO NOT CONNECT A SUBWOOFER to these outputs.
notice amplis focal power gb.ind17 17notice amplis focal power gb.ind17 17 28/09/06 16:12:0128/09/06 16:12:01