Users Manual
All specifications apply from +18
C to +28
C unless
stated otherwise.
All specifications assume a 5 minute warmup period.
Measurement specifications are valid only when
Damping is turned on. When damping is turned off,
or when the
g annunciator is displayed, floor
specifications are multiplied by 3. Floor specifications
are the second part of the specifications, usually
expressed as "% of full scale." The measure
pressure, temperature, and frequency functions are
specified only with damping on.
The standard specification intervals for the 701 and
702 are 1 and 2 years. Ttpical 90-day source and
measurement accuracy can be estimated by dividing
the 1 year "% of Reading" or "% of Output"
specifications by 2. Floor specifications, expressed
as "% of f.s.", remain constant.
To achieve best measurement noise and
accuracy performance, do not use the
battery eliminator, and tie all three common
jacks together.