Cable Tests
Test Fiber Optic Cable
Measuring Optical Loss
After setting the reference, do not disturb the source
connection as you make connections to measure optical
loss (Figure 4-9). If the fiber test is not already running,
(AutoTest) from the top level display to start
the test.
Measuring Output Power
Make the connections shown in Figure 4-10. If the fiber
test is not already running, press (Autotest) from the
top-level display to start the test.
Output power, optical power loss, and the current
reference level are shown in microwatts (µW) and
decibels (dBm or dB) (Figure 4-7). The power and loss
measurements are updated continuously. Table 4-1
defines the terms used during the Fiber Test.
Table 4-1. Fiber Test Terminology
Term Definition
Reference Power measured on a known reference
Power Measured power in milliwatts and dBm.
dBm is the ratio of the measured power to
one miliWatt. The formula the Network
Assistant uses for calculating dBm is:
Power (dBm) = 10 × log × Power (mW)
Loss The amount of power loss on the
measured cable.
Loss = Reference - Measured Power
Loss Limit Acceptable power loss. If the Loss is
greater than this value, the test reports
FAIL. Otherwise, it reports PASS.