objectives and criteria underlying each of these OEL decisions also vary. The evaluation of occupational exposure
limits and determining their relative applicability to the workplace is best performed, on a case-by-case basis, by a
qualified Industrial Hygienist.
Use engineering controls such as local exhaust ventilation, point of generation dust collection, down draft work
stations, emission controlling tool designs, and materials handling equipment designed to minimize airborne fiber
Respiratory Protection – RCF:
When engineering and/or administrative controls are insufficient to maintain workplace concentrations within the
0.5 f/cc REG, the use of appropriate respiratory protection, pursuant to the requirements of OSHA Standards 29
CFR 1910.134 and 29 CFR 1926.103, is recommended. The following information is provided as an example of
appropriate respiratory protection for aluminosilicate fibers. The evaluation of workplace hazards and the
identification of appropriate respiratory protection is best performed, on a case by case basis, by a qualified
Industrial Hygienist.
The P100 recommendation is a conservative default choice; in some case, solid arguments can be made that
other respirator types (e.g., N95, R99, etc.) may be suitable for some tasks or work environments. The P100
recommendation is not designed to limit informed choices, provided that respiratory protection decisions comply
with 29 CFR 1910.134.
Other Information:
Concentrations based upon an eight-hour time weighted average (TWA) as determined by air samples
collected and analyzed pursuant to NIOSH method 7400 (B) for airborne fibers.
The manufacturer recommends the use of a full-facepiece air purifying respirator equipped with an
appropriate particulate filter cartridge during furnace tear-out events and the removal of used RCF to
Respirable Airborne Fiber Concentration
(levels are 8-hr. time-weighted averages)
Respirator Recommendation
Not yet determined but expected to be below 5.0 f/cc
based on operation
Half-face, air purifying respirator equipped with a
NIOSH certified P100 particulate filter cartridge
"Reliably" less than 0.5 f/cc Optional
0.5 f/cc to 5.0 f/cc Half-face, air purifying respirator equipped with a
NIOSH certified P100 particulate filter cartridge
5.0 f/cc to 25 f/cc Full-facepiece, air purifying respirator equipped with a
NIOSH certified P100 particulate filter cartridge or
Greater than 25 f/cc PAPR with tight-fitting full facepiece or a supplied air
respirator in continuous flow mode
When individual workers request respiratory protection
as a matter of personal comfort or choice where
exposures are "reliably" below 0.5 f/cc
A NIOSH certified respirator, such as a disposable
particulate respirator, or respirators with filter cartridges
rated N95 or better