Figure 1. Initial Case Temperature Above Ambient vs Meter
Reading Above Ambient
Use the following procedure to operate the 80T-150UA probe:
1. Connect the banana plugs on the 80T-150UA to the input terminals
of a high impedance DMM. Observe polarity.
2. Select a dc voltage range that will provide at least 1 mV resolution
(1 mV/degree) and a full scale readout that will encompass the
expected temperature. The 2 V range of a
3 1/2-digit DMM is adequate. Ignore readings of less than 1° when
a more sensitive DMM is used.
3. Set the 80T-150UA power switch to °C or °F, and energize the
4. Firmly touch the probe tip to the surface to be measured, or expose
it to a liquid or gas. The DMM will display the temperature in
degrees. Vary the probe angle and pressure when measuring solid
surface temperatures. The highest stabilized reading will be the
most accurate. (See the following measuring technique.)
The force exerted on the probe tip should not exceed 15
Measuring Technique
Here are some suggestions for improving the accuracy of your
temperature measurements:
1. When measuring higher than ambient temperatures, adjust the
connection between the probe and the surface until you get the
highest temperature reading.
2. When measuring lower than ambient temperatures, adjust the
connection between the probe and the surface until you get the
lowest temperature reading.
3. When measuring near ambient temperatures, make the reading
when the multimeter readout is most stable.
General Maintenance
Access Information
The battery and the calibration pots are located on the interior of the
temperature-to-voltage converter assembly. Access to these locations is
accomplished by removing the screw from the bottom side of the
assembly and removing the top of the plastic box.
Battery Condition Test
1. Set the power switch to the OFF position.
2. Connect the 80T-150UA to the DMM.
3. Set the DMM to the 200 or 400 mV dc range.
4. Read the battery test voltage on the DMM or test instrument. For
DMMs with 10 MΩ input impedance, a minimum reading of 100 mV
is acceptable. For test instruments with 1 MΩ input impedances,
such as ScopeMeter
, a minimum reading of 75 mV is acceptable,
With these minimum readings, approximately 100 hours of battery
life remain.