Digital Multimeter
Performance Tests
Table 14. Accuracy Tests (cont.)
Display Reading
Range 5500A Output
83 and 88 87
Max = 5.896 to 6.104
(87 and 88 only)
Peak Min/Max
6 V dc 8 Vpp, 2 kHz Sq.
Wave, DC offset 2 V
Min = -1.898 to -2.102
0 °C -1.0 to 1.0 -1.0 to 1.0
(87 and 88 only)
100 °C 98.0 to 102.0 98.0 to 102.0
Press backlight button Backlight comes on
Press backlight button Backlight Intensifies
Press backlight button Backlight off
1. Or short test leads and use REL to offset test lead resistance.
2. Remove test leads from unit.
3. To ensure accurate measurement, the Meter and thermocouple adapter must be at the same temperature. After
connecting the thermocouple adapter to the Meter allow for reading to stabalize before recording display reading.
4. The Meter accuracy is not specified at this input signal frequency with Low-pass filter selected. The display reading
shown, check that the Low-pass filter is active and follows an expected roll-off curve.
5. Use REL to compensate for internal Meter and lead capacitance. Test leads must be disconnected from the
calibrator before using REL.
6. W 10 A continuous up to 35 °C; < 20 minutes on, 5 minutes off at 35 °C to 55 °C. 20 A for 30 seconds maximum;
> 10 A unspecified.
Testing the Inductive Pickup (88 Only)
To test the inductive pickup, a function generator output will simulate automobile spark
plug signals on a loop of wire containing a 10 e resistor. The pickup will be clamped to
the wire and output voltage from the pickup will be monitored by an oscilloscope.
Perform the following procedure to test the inductive pickup:
1. Solder a 10-inch piece of 14 AWG wire to one end of a 10 e 1 % resistor.
2. Connect the other end of the 10 e resistor to the terminal LOW output of the
function generator. Place the other end of the 14-AWG wire to the HIGH output of
the function generator. See Figure 5.
3. Connect a 10X scope probe from channel 2 (dc-coupled) of the oscilloscope across
the 10 e resistor.
4. Clamp the inductive pickup to the wire loop on the HIGH side of the resistor as
shown in Figure 5.
Make sure that the jaws of the inductive pickup are closed completely, and that the
side of the inductive pickup that says "SPARK PLUG SIDE" points toward the
HIGH output of the function generator.
5. Connect a 10X scope probe from channel 1 (dc-coupled) of the oscilloscope across
the output of the inductive pickup.