
Instruction Manual
3-12. Conditions That Activate the 5725A
When the 5725A is connected to the 5700A, and is selected as the amplifier for the
active output function, it supplies an output under the conditions shown in the following
list. (These conditions are the same as VOLTAGE OPERATE and CURRENT
OPERATE as previously described.)
Whenever current above 2.2A is selected and the 5700A is set to operate. (Output
available at the 5725A binding posts.)
Whenever ac voltage in the 220-1100V range is selected and the 5700A is set to
operate. Note that the 5725A takes over the 1100V ac range of the 5700A if the
5725A is selected as the voltage amplifier in a setup menu. (Output available at the
5700A binding posts.)
Whenever the 5700A BOOST key is toggled on while the 5700A output setting is in
the operating range of the 5725A, voltage or current. (Output location is 5725A for
current, 5700A for voltage.)
If the "Range" softkey is set to "LOCKED" while supplying a current greater than
2.2A, then the 5725A stays active if the 5700A output setting is adjusted down to 0A
dc, or down to 1A ac. (Output available at the 5725A binding posts.)
Regardless of the "BOOST AMP TYPES" setting in the 5700A setup menus, all
unamplified 5700A current is supplied through the 5725A binding posts when, on the
5700A, the current output location is set to "5725A"; the 5700A output is set to any ac or
dc current level; and the 5700A OPERATE annunciator is lit.