Users Manual
3. Carefully remove the fuse and replace it with one rated as listed above.
4. Reverse the disassembly procedure to reassemble the meter.
Self-Test Diagnostics and Error Codes
If the meter fails the self-test diagnostics performed at power-up, an error code is
displayed in the primary display and "ERROR" is displayed in the secondary display. An
error code is displayed for two seconds or until a button is pressed. Error codes are listed
in Table 6-1.
Table 6-1. Self-Test Error Codes
Error No. Meaning
ROM test failed
External RAM test failed
Internal RAM test failed
Display self-test failed
Display dead
EEPROM instrument configuration corrupted
EEPROM calibration data corrupted
("UNCAL" annunciator also lights)
A/D chip dead
Measurement self-test failed
Performance Tests
The meter should be calibrated and in operating condition when you receive it.
The following performance tests are provided to ensure that the meter is in proper
operating condition. If the instrument fails any of the performance tests, then calibration
adjustment and/ or repair is needed. To perform these tests, you will need a Fluke 5700A
Multifunction Calibrator and 5725A Amplifier (or equivalents).
Each of the measurements listed in the following steps assume the instrument is being
tested after a one-hour warmup, in an environment with an ambient temperature of 18 °C
to 28 °C, and a relative humidity of less than 90 % (70 % for 1,000 kΩ range and above).
All measurements listed in the performance test tables are made in the
medium reading rate unless otherwise noted.
1. Power-up the meter and allow it to stabilize for one hour.
2. Connect a cable from the Output VA HI and LO connectors of the 5700A to the
Xand COM connectors on the Fluke 45.
Select the function and range on the Fluke 45 and the input level from the 5700A
using the values listed in Table 6-2. The display should read between the minimum
and maximum values listed in the table.
3. Connect a cable from the Output VA HI and LO connectors of the 5700A to the 100
mA and COM connectors on the Fluke 45. Select the function and range on the Fluke
45 and the input level from the 5700A using the values contained in Table 6-3. The
display should read between the minimum and maximum readings listed in the table.