Fluke 196C/199C
Users Manual
Using Cursors on a A+B, A-B or A*B Waveform
Cursor measurements on a A*B waveform give a reading
in Watts if input A measures (milli)Volts and input B
measures (milli)Amperes.
For other cursor measurements on a A+B, A-B or A*B
waveform no reading will be available if the input A and
input B measurement unit are different.
Making Rise Time Measurements
To measure rise time, do the following:
1 From scope mode, display the
cursor key labels.
2 Press to highlight (rise time).
Observe that two horizontal
cursors are displayed.
3 If only one trace is displayed,
select MANUAL or AUTO (this
automatically does steps 4 to 6).
For multiple traces select the
required trace A, B, or M (if a
math function is active).
4 Move the upper cursor to 100%
of the trace height. A marker is
shown at 90%.
5 Highlight the other cursor.
6 Move the lower cursor to 0% of
the trace height. A marker is
shown at 10%.
The reading shows the risetime from 10%-90% of the
trace amplitude.
Figure 25. Risetime Measurement