7.2.1 Setting the Address
The IEEE-488 bus requires that each device has a unique address. The default
address of the 1502A is 22 but can be changed if necessary. The IEEE-488 ad
dress of the 1502A is set within the Comm menu after the serial linefeed pa
rameter. (This menu option will not appear if the IEEE-488 interface is not
installed). Press the Menu button (“SEt?” appears) then press the Comm but
ton. The display will briefly indicate “SErIAL”, then “bAUd” and then display
the current baud rate. Press Enter several times until “IEEE”appears.Thedis
play will briefly indicate “AddreSS” and then display the current IEEE-488
address. Use the U and D buttons to change the number then press Enter.
7.2.2 Setting the Termination Character
The 1502A will normally terminate transmissions from the IEEE-488 port with
a linefeed (newline) character. Some systems may require a terminating car
riage return instead. The termination character can be changed if necessary. The
termination character is set within the Comm menu after the IEEE-488 address
parameter. (This menu option will not appear if the IEEE-488 interface is not
installed). The display will briefly indicate “EOS” (end of string) and then dis-
play the current setting. Use the U and D buttons to change the termination
character then press Enter.
7.2.3 Time Stamp
Measurement data read from the GPIB interface can be stamped with the
time-of-day. For instructions on setting the time stamp and system clock see
Section 7.1.3 above.
7.3 Remote Commands
ASCII commands are used to instruct the 1502A to perform certain actions. Ta
ble 6 provides a complete list of commands. These commands can be used with
either the RS-232 or IEEE-488 interface. All commands sent to the 1502A
must be terminated with a carriage return or linefeed. Either upper or lower
case letters are accepted. Commands used to set a parameter are issued with the
command header, an “=“ character, and the parameter value. For example,
U=C<EOS> sets the units to Celsius. (The symbol <EOS> represents the termi
nation character.) Commands used to request data are issued with only the
command header. For example, T<EOS> causes the 1502A to return the most
recent measurement. Basic operations using commands are explained in the fol
lowing sub-sections.
7.3.1 Measurement Commands
The following commands relate to reading measurement data.
1502A Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide