9 - 24 92B/96B/99B/105B Users Manual
BNC Coaxial-type input connector used for INPUT A
and INPUT B.
Bottom Display The lower part of the display, where the
function key menu is listed.
Capture 10 Divisions Records and displays 10 time
Capture 20 Divisions Records and displays 20 time
divisions although the display shows only 10 at a time.
Horizontal "Move" allows you to view the additional 10
Continuous Auto Set Automatically selects the optimum
settings for connected input signals and keeps track of any
variation of the signal.
Contrast Contrast of the LCD. Can be adjusted as
Cursors Movable display lines that allow you to make
measurements between two locations on a waveform.
dB See "decibel."
DC See "Direct Current."
DC Coupling A mode of signal transmission that passes
both AC and DC signal components to the INPUT A and
INPUT B circuit (see also AC Coupling).
Decibel Measurements that indicate voltage or power
comparison in a logaritmic scale.
Delta % Percentage change (delta) uses the present
numerical reading as a relative reference. The display then
shows a percentage that represents the difference
between each new reading and the relative reference.
Delay Time The time between the trigger event and the
real acquisition of the waveform.
Delta Time (dt) The change in time. The ScopeMeter
test tool displays the amount of time displayed between the
(vertical) cursors.
Digital Storage Capability Because of the design of
digital oscilloscopes, signals are not displayed at the
moment they are acquired. Instead, signals are first stored
in memory, then sent to the display. This enables the
ScopeMeter test tool to present several options when
displaying information, including "negative delay."
Direct Current A signal with a constant voltage and
Display The Liquid Crystal Display area of the
ScopeMeter test tool that is used to display all information,
such as readings, waveforms, and text.
Division A part of a waveform, as defined alongside the
lines of the grid on the display.