purposes or otherwise any and all technical information (the “Technical
Information”) provided by Licensee to Licensor, provided, however, that
Licensor shall ensure that the identity of the Licensee shall remain
undisclosed in the Licensor’s use of all such Technical Information.
3. Other Intellectual Proprietary Rights
Licensor or its supplier is the owner of all right, title and interest in and
to the Software and its documents such as user manual and any and all
copies thereof. The proprietary ownership of all data operated using this
Software shall remain with the respective owner(s) and shall be pro-
tected by the international conventions and treaties and other intellectual
proprietary rights. Licensee shall not be deemed, by anything contained
in or done pursuant to this Agreement to acquire any right, title, or interest
in any trademark, copyright, patent or other intellectual property of
Licensor, and shall do nothing to prejudice the value or validity of the
respective owner’s rights therein or ownership thereof. Licensor shall
preserve the proprietary ownership of any and all rights and titles in the
Software not specifically provided herein.
4. Backup copy
After having installed a copy of the Software pursuant to this Agreement,
Licensee may make a single copy of the Software for backup and
archival purposes only, provided that any copy must contain all propri-
etary notices included in the original. If another original medium be-
comes necessary to use the Software on a computer under this Agree-
ment, Licensee may make a single copy of the Software. Except as
specifically provided herein, Licensee shall refrain from making copy of
the Software or its incidental documents such as user manual in any
manner whatsoever.