Rosemount Models 244EH and 244ER PC-Programmable Temperature Transmitters
Grounding The transmitter will operate with the current signal loop either floating
or grounded. However, the extra noise in floating systems affects many
types of readout devices. If the signal appears noisy or erratic,
grounding the current signal loop at a single point may solve the
problem. The best place to ground the loop is at the negative terminal
of the power supply.
The transmitter is electrically isolated to 500 V ac rms, so the input
circuit also may be grounded at a single point. When using a grounded
thermocouple, the grounded junction serves as this point. Do not
ground the current signal loop at more than one point.
Do not ground the signal wire at both ends.
CONFIGURATION The Models 244EH and 244ER are designed to be configured using a
Model 244EC Configuration Interface connected to a Microsoft
Windows-compatible PC running the Models 244EH and 244ER
Configuration Software program. Configuration parameters include:
•Sensor type
• Number of wires
• 50/60 Hz filter selection
• Engineering units
• Upper and lower range values
• Damping value
• Intermittent Sensor Detect
Each configuration parameter is explained in the on-line help provided
with the software. To access the on-line help, either click the HELP
button on the main configuration window (see Figure 3-1) or choose a
topic from the HELP menu.