
page 10Meridian Loudspeakers: The DSP Path The Meridian Papers - 1
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© 2003 Meridian Audio Limited.
Version DS4a 280403
Written by Richard Elen
Designed by Allen Boothroyd & Richard
Meridian Audio’s DSP8000 speakers are a
testament to both engineering and aes-
thetics… You can play extraordinary deep
bass tones and put a glass of water on
top of the cabinet, and the water won’t
Popular Mechanics
The effortless sweep of the DSP8000s
presentation was aided by the extended
and well-defined low frequencies.
This system delivers a performance that’s
state-of-the-art, especially when it comes
to bass extension and control.…The
Meridian rules supreme when it comes to
scale, authority and sheer low-end
What Hi-Fi
At first you’d think it would be crazy to
control a system through a pair of speak-
ers. But when the loudspeakers in ques-
tion are Meridian’s DSP5000s it begins to
make perfect sense.
What Hi-Fi
Much more than just a speaker, the
DSP5000 is designated a ‘music sys-
tem’.…This modestly sized speaker is
capable of a surprisingly high acoustic
volume or sound level.… Meridian’s ace in
the hole here is a dynamic, music-con-
trolled correction for the overall bass
alignment which allows clean, remarkably
extended bass under normal condi-
tions.…The DSP5000 has to be heard. For
its size it offers a remarkable combination
of bass power and extension, of maxi-
mum volume level, of user control and
adjustability, and of stereo image per-
Hi-Fi News & Record Review
Speakers don’t get much smarter than
Sound & Image
The Audio Press on Meridian
DSP Loudspeakers
The DSP7000 series takes the advanced
technology of the flagship DSP8000 series
and implements it in a more compact form.