
Chapter 4
62 / iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.
dialog boxes, see “Troubleshooting: Accessing Pylon Configuration
document” (page 189).
Your configuration document appears. You configure Pylon in this
F i g u r e 4 - 3
Your Pylon
Note The above screen shows a Pylon Pro installation for a Palm device, with
all applications, Advanced Options, and Additional Databases enabled.
If you have Pylon configured differently, your screen may look different:
If you have not enabled Advanced Options, the Log Level and Multi
PC Support fields do not appear.
If you have not enabled Additional Databases, the column of entries
for #Apps does not appear.
If you have not enabled one of the applications, its checkbox on the
left is not selected and its icon appears as black outlines only.
If you have installed Pylon for a Pocket PC OS device, the Memo
Pad and Expense applications do not appear.
If you have licensed Pylon Conduit, the entry for the PylonPro
application does not appear.
The names of the applications listed on the Pylon Configuration
document are the same, independent of the mobile device you are
using. However, the names of some applications on your device may be
different. Table 4-1 lists the application names on different platforms
that correspond to the applications listed on your Pylon Configuration