EX623-en-GB_v3.0 4/15
Non-Contact InfraRed Temperature Measurements
1. Rotate the function switch to the IR position.
2. Press the MODE button to select °F or °C.
3. Aim the infrared sensor (rear of the meter) at the surface
to be measured.
4. Press the IRT button to turn on the IR thermometer
and laser pointer. The laser pointer identifies the surface
spot to be measured.
5. The area of the surface to be measured must be larger
than the spot size as determined by the distance to spot
size specification.
6. Read the temperature in the large upper display. When
the IRT button is released the displayed temperature will be held for approx. 10 seconds.
7. Read the MAX temperature in the lower display.
Press the MAX/MIN button to toggle the lower display between the maximum and minimum
measured values.
WARNING: Do not directly view or direct the laser pointer at an eye.
Low power visible lasers do not normally present a hazard, but may
present some potential for hazard if viewed directly for extended periods
of time.
IR Spot to Distance Diagram
The 8:1 spot to distance ratio determines the size of
the measured surface area with respect to the
distance the meter is held away from the surface.
IR Measurement Notes
1. The object under test should be larger than the
spot (target) size calculated by the field of view diagram.
2. If the surface of the object under test is covered with frost, oil, grime, etc., clean before taking
3. If an object's surface is highly reflective, apply masking tape or flat black paint to the surface
before measuring.
4. The meter may not make accurate measurements through transparent surfaces such as glass.
5. Steam, dust, smoke, etc. can obscure measurements.
6. To find a hot spot, aim the meter outside the area of interest then scan across (in an up and
down motion) until the hot spot is located.