Position: Select the position where the text will be displayed from Upper
Left / Lower Right / Lower Left.
Click Apply to apply the setting changes or Reset to reset without saving
the change.
Date/Time Format Used in Text
Select Date/Time Format from the following options:
Time Format: 24 Hours or 12 Hours.
Click Apply to apply the setting changes or Reset to reset without saving
the change.
Recording/Snapshot Export Setting
Enable Event Recording to PC: Allow event video recording to users' PC if
any events have been set to trigger recording to PC.
Export folder: Select Export folder by clicking on button, then direct
to desired export folder.
File size: User can limit the size of the single recording file in minutes here.
When the single recording file size exceeds the time you set, the system will
create a new file to continue recording.
Overwrite: Select “ON” for overwriting recording/snapshot file when the disk
storage capacity is full. Enter overwriting. User can set storage capacity
limitation in the textbox in the following sentence.
“If the remaining hard disk capacity is less than ____ MB (enter the value
you wish to set between 50~2000), system will stop recording or start
overwriting. “
Click Apply to apply the setting changes or Reset to reset without saving