ENVS800 / ENVS1600 / ENVS3200 Installation Manual
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Recycle Range: interval (1h to 1 day), how often NVR checks to delete old records
Keep Video: If checked, the NVR will delete video data after a defined time period. If not
checked, the NVR will use the full HDD capacity to achieve the maximum recording time.
If recording shall start automatically upon application start, mark the checkbox SCHEDULE
Confirm all settings with OK.
With these basic settings the NVR is configured for continuous recording. For more detailed
settings including schedule and event management refer to the following section DETAILED
Finally choose the START button from the main window and choose START RECORDING
SCHEDULE to activate recording. The menu is context sensitive, so if recording is already
enabled, the menu choice will be ‘Stop Recording Schedule’.
The system is now set to record; recording status is indicated by a red dot in the upper right
on each recording video channel.