¾ Please Note: Make sure the modem is in bridge mode. If your Internet
Service Provider is BellSouth you will have a modem/router. BellSouth
provides a Westell modem that includes a built-in router. You will need to
disable the router functionality.
¾ The next step is to open ports within your router. Open virtual ports in
the router (Log into the router using a PC)
o EDSR Ports to open: 80, 1111, 2222, 3333, 4444, 6666
¾ If you have a Dynamic IP address and have open the ports simply go to
Chapter 9 to Configure DDNS.
¾ Once you have reached this point and you have restarted the digital
¾ To access the DVR from a computer simply open Internet Explorer and
in the address bar type:
http:// and the IP address of your internet service provider.