
Outgoing Calls
Last External Number Redial
When you initiate an external call the system automatically stores all
the dialled digits, irrespective of whether the call was successful or
***ÜÛ Press to redial the last dialed external number.
The display will show the dialed number.
Note: Sweden and Finland, dial
* * 0.
Call Statistics
Your phone can tell you the duration of your last call and display the total
time of all external calls made.
To see the time spent on your last call
Route: Information » LastCall
LastCall Select.
ÜÛ Press.
The length of the last call is displayed in hours, minutes and seconds.
ÚÙ Press to leave this menu.
To see the time spent on all outgoing external calls
Route: Information » TotalCalls
TotalCalls Select.
ÜÛ Press.
The total time of all external calls made is displayed in hours,
minutes and seconds.
ÚÙ Press to leave this menu.
ÜÛ Press to delete the entry from the list.