Paper roll Customize commands GS ( E
Ver. 10.01 p. 578
• Specifications when memory switch 8 (
= 8) is different, depending on the printer models.
■ This function works only in the user setting mode.
■ The value of the memory switch is specified from bit 8 to bit 1 by
. When
= 50, the status of the
bit applied is not changed.
Transmission data that specifies memory switch 1, “Transmits the power ON notice” and does not change
other settings.
[Format] ASCII GS ( E
ab8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
Hex 1DH 28H 45H 0AH 00H 03H 01H 32H 32H 32H 32H 32H 32H 32H 31H
Decimal29406910 0 31 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 49
■ Specifies
= 50 or depends on each model for a reserved bit.
■ Memory switches set are valid until the following operations are executed. They are not initialized by
power off or ESC @.
• Execution of this function.
• Execution of memory switch setting mode by panel operation when the power is turned on (supported
by some printer models.)
[Explanation for memory switch 1] (
= 1):]
■ Power on notice specified by [Msw1-1] (the first bit):
■ The printer transmits the power on notice for the following processes:
2-3 48 Character code system for the simplified Chinese model: GB18030
49 Character code system for the simplified Chinese model: GB2312
2-4 to 2-8 50 Reserved
Power ON notice Hex Decimal Data quantity
Header 3BH 59 1 byte
Identifier 31H 49 1 byte
NUL 00H 0 1 byte