
Paper roll Bar code commands GS k
Ver. 10.01 p. 352
Check digit (1 character) is calculated and added automatically.
Special character HRI is processed as follows:
The printer does not print HRI characters that correspond to the shift character or code set selection
character (CODE A, CODE B, or CODE C).
HRI characters of the function characters (FNC1, FNC2, FNC3, or FNC4) and control characters (00H to
1FH and 7FH) are printed as spaces.
[Model-dependent variations] TM-J2000/J2100,TM-T88III, TM-L60II, TM-P60, TM-T90, TM-L90
TM-J2000/J2100, TM-T88III, TM-L60II
Only capital letters (A ~ D) can be used for the start/stop character with CODABAR (
= 6, 71).
Only capital letters (A ~ D) can be used for the start/stop character with CODABAR (m = 6, 71).
FNC3 {3 7B, 33 123, 51
FNC4 {4 7B, 34 123, 52
{ {{ 7B, 7B 123, 123
Program Example for all printers Print Sample
PRINT #1, CHR$(&H1D);"h";CHR$(80); Set height
PRINT #1, CHR$(&H1D);"k";CHR$(2); Print bar code
PRINT #1, "496595707379";CHR$(0);
PRINT #1, CHR$(&HA);
PRINT #1, CHR$(&H1D);"k";CHR$(67);CHR$(12);
PRINT #1, "496595707379"; Print bar code
Specific character
Transmit data
ASCII Hex Decimal