Display format Refresh rate (in Hz) Resolution (in pixels)
SDTV (480i/480p) 60 720 × 480
SDTV (576i/576p) 50 720 × 576
HDTV (720p) 50/60 1280 × 720
HDTV (1080i) 50/60 1920 × 1080
HDTV (1080p) 24/30 1920 × 1080
Wide resolution only
PowerLite Home Cinema 1040 only
Parent topic: Technical Specifications
USB Display System Requirements
Your computer system must meet the system requirements here to use the projector's USB Display
Requirement Windows Mac
Operating system Windows XP Professional, Home OS X 10.5.8 (32-bit); OS X 10.6.x,
Edition, and Tablet PC Edition (32-bit); 10.7.x, 10.8.x, 10.9.x, or 10.10.x (32-
except for Service Pack 1 and 64-bit)
Windows Vista Ultimate, Enterprise,
Business, Home Premium, and Home
Basic (32-bit)
Windows 7 Ultimate, Enterprise,
Professional, and Home Premium (32-
and 64-bit); Home Basic and Starter (32-
Windows 8.x, Windows 8 Enterprise and
Pro (32- and 64-bit)
USB version USB 1.1 and above (USB 2.0 recommended)
CPU Mobile Pentium III 1.2 GHz or faster Power PC G4 1 GHz or faster (Core
(1.6 GHz or faster recommended) Duo 1.83 GHz or faster