Red-eye reduction, 18
Release lever, 50 to 52
Removing battery, 55
Replacing photo cartridge, 49 to 52
Resetting preferences, 56 to 59
Resolution, 4
Rotating photos, 24
Safety instructions, 69 to 73
Saturation, adjusting, 20 to 21
Save button, 26
Saving power, 10, 55
adjusting angle, 9
blank, 10, 55, 64
display options, 9
icons, 55
instructions on, 15
problems, 64
safety instructions, 72
using, 9 to 63
Select All, 11 to 12
Sepia, 22, 41, 44, 47
Service, 68
Settings, default, 59
Several photos, selecting, 10 to 11
Sharpness, adjusting, 20 to 21
Size, paper, 7, 46
Slideshow, 13
Slow printing, 65
Smeared prints, 65 to 66
Software, installing, 34 to 39, 65
Source, selecting, 30, 33
Speed, increasing print, 65
Stamp, date, 21
Start Here sheet, 4
Stopping printing
control panel, 12
Macintosh, 48
Windows, 42, 45
Storing paper and prints, 14
Supplies, 4, 30, 49, 53, 68
Support, paper, 6 to 7, 53
Support, technical, 68