Glossary 173
The print mode used byyour printer when you select Draft as the font. The Draft
font uses fewer dots per character for faster printing. See also letter quality (LQ).
See printer driver.
Abbreviation for EPSON Standard Code for Printers, the system of commands
your computer uses to control your printer. It is standard for all Epson printers
and supported by most application software for personal computers.
A style of type designated by a name such as Roman or Sans Serif.
form feed (FF)
A control panel button and control code that advances the paper to the next
top-of-form position.
half toning
A method of using dot patterns to represent an image. Halftoning makes it
possible to produce varying shades of gray using only black dots, or a nearly
infinite array of colors using only a few colors of dots. See also dithering.
hex dump
A troubleshooting method that helps identify the cause of communication
problems between theprinter and the computer. When the printer is in hex dump
mode, it prints each code that it receives in hexadecimal notation as well as in
ASCII codes that stand for characters. Also called data dump.
The connection between the computer and the printer through which print data
is transmitted to the printer.
Printing that is oriented sideways on the page. This orientation gives you a page
that is wider than it is high and is useful for printing spreadsheets. See also
letter quality (LQ)
The print mode used by your printer to produce letter-quality fonts for better
readability and appearance. Print speed is slower. See also draft.
line feed (LF)
A control code that advances the paper one line space.